17 Feb What’s your score on workplace engagement?
A foosball table has appeared on our office balcony!
I first noticed it Friday afternoon, and through that it was a ‘Friday afternoon’ special (like Friday night drinks). But it’s Monday morning and it’s still here.
I think it’s great. Some of the best ideas we have are those that come to mind when we step away from the problem.
At my old office, we had a basketball ring in the courtyard. It was a great opportunity for us to get outside during the day and shoot hoops. My shooting accuracy didn’t improve much, but my ideas did. Without us realising it, my shooting partner Tom and I would always talk about the tasks we were completing and what issues we were facing while we were playing. For me, the chance to share my thoughts, feelings and frustrations during this casual game of basketball left me feeling reenergised for the afternoon, and able to address the issues I had earlier.
What place do games have in the office? Done right, I believe that they are a valuable tool in the office. For casual conversations, to build a sense of team, and to help break up what can sometimes be a monotonous workday.
Many organisations now are offering yoga sessions, wellness rooms and break out spaces for employees. Psychological and psychological health go hand in hand with individual success in the workplace. Activity Based Working is based on the philosophy that employees can manage their own time and resources to complete their work tasks. Why not provide the option to relax and rejuvenate with a game of foosball?
NB: This article was not written while playing foosball, nor is it recommended that an attempt to write while playing foosball is made. Foosball game purely for insightful purposes only. For more information on employee engagement visit this article.