20 Jun Are you aware of ‘presenteeism’ in your working environment?
What is Presenteeism?
Presenteeism refers to an employee being at their workplace for more hours than they are required to be there, or in other cases, acting on autopilot in a workplace they would rather leave. Although some companies may view working extended overtime as a benefit in the sense of harvesting more completed work, the phenomenon of presenteeism is in most cases actually more negatively impacting than absenteeism.
Why is presenteeism worse than absenteeism?
A work/life balance is required by all workers to stay engaged, maintain focus and achieve set goals.
Individuals who remain in the workplace for an extended or excessive period of time naturally become more disengaged as finite attention and energy levels dissipate and drive to achieve decreases. Presenteeism can breed and display itself in negative attitudes and behaviours including poor performance, staff disillusionment and an almost viral spread of cultural misalignment as resentment grows.
How can Hubb Consultants help solve the situation?
Presenteeism occurs due to a range of factors, and as all organisations are unique, so too are the solutions to combat presenteeism within your environment. However, provision of a flexible work environment that acknowledges all staff have varying commitments, productive times and states (ie. early birds or night owls), and spatial/environmental needs (i.e. quiet zones for focused work or collaboration zones) will go a long way to boosting cultural buy-in amongst staff and improving outcomes.
Going above and beyond to provide a flexible approach for staff will also stimulate staff work ethic as a response to this individual recognition. Incorporating flexible working hours, setting compulsory lunch breaks, making sure employees feel safe and welcomed, and also reducing unnecessary or continuous overtime is critical in promoting a work/life balance and getting the most out of your staff.
Don’t risk outcomes by letting Presenteeism take root within your organisation.
Let Hubb Consultants help you create a working environment to mitigate this risk and reap the rewards.