What has Activity Based Working (ABW) got to do with reputation
According to a Forbes report, ‘companies who wait for the perfect hire are more risk averse. They want to hire a candidate that already has a ‘reputation’ built on a strong track record. On the other hand, professionals are judging companies based on ‘reputation’ when deciding where to work. CareerBuilder recent study revealed that about 75% of job seekers will accept a lower salary for a good brand.’
Hence, both employers and professionals alike are deliberating ‘reputation’ at length because:
1. People will be hired and promoted based on it and;
2. People will only work for a company that has a positive one. So the equally BIG question is – does your company have the reputation and how can your company have it?
‘Reputation‘ Upgraded
Once upon a time, which is less than 10 years ago – reputation was simple. Reputation was just word of mouth. The concept remained the same a few aeons ago: You have customer A. You make customer A happy. Customer A got some friends. Happy customer A shares his good experience to friends. You get Good Reputation so you get customer B, C, D and E. Process repeats.
But this was before the birth of internet and modern business.
Yet today, reputation has transformed and evolved into sophistication and influence embracing credibility and strategy. But don’t get carried away – the secret recipe for your reputation doesn’t require rocket science or breaking the bank. It unassumingly rests on the remaining 15% of your company cost – what is it you ask? Yes, workplace cost.
Good Design and Activity Based Working
Leading organisations have invested in their real estates and workplaces over and over again in different parts of the globe. They know that the formula works – good office design facilitates the overlap of recruitment and productivity strategies. Good design reaping benefits are not just coincidence. Countless researches, surveys and case studies support these gains.
Activity Based Working (ABW) is just one option. Amazing offices are real and reputation is only one of the many advantages you enjoy. Make your corporate transformation happen and give your organisation the much need push to succeed this 2016. Speak with HUBB Consultants today.
Sources: Forbes.com, CareerBuilder.com, Australian Financial Review, Meinphoto.com