Developing Values that Support Strategy - HUBB Consultants
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Developing Values that Support Strategy

Developing Values that Support Strategy

Developing Values that Support Your Strategy

Business values consist of the behaviours that exist within the business.

Developing Values that Support Strategy

These are not just the simple positive values you want to have, but also the unwanted negative behaviours that are being acted out.

Values and behaviours are two concepts that closely tie in with your company’s culture, and can have the potential to impact all the business’ stakeholders. The evaluations and comprehensive understanding of the current values and behaviours that are in place and are active within your organisation’s processes can assist in pinpointing which ones you would like to continue to reinforce, and which one you would like to remove or change.

To establish a clear understanding of which particular values support your overall business strategy and company culture is not always easy and can be quite tedious. However, one simple way of doing so is a team exercise.

This exercise requires you and your business’ team to create a two-column list of your current organisational values and behaviours in one, and the desired on the other. Through evaluation from the leadership team, the top values can be assessed, and the decision can be made as to which do not support the mission or vision of the business.

The development of your organisational values is essential, as it will streamline the processes and procedures and act as a key element in staff and client attraction and retention. However, it is good to have values, but translating these values into behaviours is another matter on its own; one that we will discuss with you next week.

Are you looking to define your organisational values to support your business strategy? It does not always have to be laborious and tedious when doing so; Hubb Strategic Workplace Consultants offer a unique vision and strategy workshop, utilising a business focused and specially designed boardgame to help define your key values.

Reach out to Hubb today to book your workshop.